Plastic Pollution - Oceana USA

Plastic Pollution

Tackling the plastics crisis at the source



Plastic is everywhere. It’s choking our oceans, melting out of Arctic sea ice, sitting at the deepest point of the seafloor, and raining onto our national parks. It’s in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. It’s greatly contributing to the climate crisis and disproportionately polluting communities of color and low-income communities. Enough is enough. Oceana campaigns to stop plastic pollution at the source — by working to pass local, state, and national policies that reduce the production and use of unnecessary single-use plastic and move toward refill and reuse systems.

Two garbage trucks’ worth of plastic

enters the oceans every minute.

The world is facing a plastic pollution crisis that is increasingly threatening the future of our planet. An estimated 33 billion pounds of plastic enter the ocean every year — that’s roughly equivalent to dumping two garbage trucks full of plastic into the oceans every minute.

The problem is too big for consumers to solve. With plastic production rates increasing and industry continually relying on inadequate solutions like plastic recycling, we’re looking at an alarmingly plastic-filled future — unless companies and policy-makers use their power to change course.

We need companies to dramatically reduce their production and use of this persistent pollutant, provide us with plastic-free choices, and develop systems that refill and reuse packaging and materials. Policy-makers must pass legislation to ensure they do so.


Take Action

Say NO to Foam

Tell your members of Congress to protect our oceans and health from harmful plastic foam pollution today.


Tell your elected officials to protect our oceans, climate, and communities from plastic pollution before it’s too late.

News & Reports

Around the Web

Learn More

Plastics Overview Fact Sheet

Corporate Solutions Fact Sheet

Plastics and Human Health Fact Sheet

Policy Solutions Fact Sheet

Plastics Overview Fact Sheet (en Español)